Tuesday, March 26, 2013

LINUX Filesystem Explained

/bin -    command executable for all users(binaries)

/boot -  contains static files required to boot the system
            (bootloaders[GRUB,LILO],Linux kernel,initrd)

/dev -  device files, either character(keyboard)or block(HDD,USB)

/etc -  Host specific config file.Application also store their config filre here.
             (similar to control panel in windows)

/home - User's home directory

/lib   -   System Libraries files required by the /bin and /sbin.
                (similar to DLL in windows)

/media  - Mount point for removable storage.

/mnt  -   Temporarily mounted file systems.

/opt - Add-on application packages.(optional)

/proc - virtual filesystem containing information kernel and process status.

/root - Linux system administrator's home directory

/sbin - Binaries which can only be exceuted by root privilege accounts.

/tmp - Temporary files

/usr - Contains binaries, libraries, documentation, and source-code.(UNIX system resources)

/var - variable files.system log files and  and temporary spool.

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