Friday, August 28, 2015

Linux Using PACKAGE MANAGERS [apt, dpkg]

  •     Every Linux Distro have a package manager.
  •     Used to install,uninstall,update and many other function related to programs in the system
  1. Download from OS project  repositories  of packages
  2. Secure provider
  3. Dependencies resolution
  4. Common Installation and  configuration location
  5. Standard format
Package manager

  1. backend : dpkg
  2. frontend : apt
  3. GUI for apt :  aptitude

  1. Installing : apt-get install [package name]
  2. Uninstalling : apt-get remove [package name]
  3. Remove downloaded pkg files : apt-get clean
  4. Purge : apt-get purge [package name]
  5. Update : apt-get update
  1. Search : apt-cache search [package name] 
  2. Show : apt-cache show[package name] 
  3. Check if a package is install or not : apt-cache policy [package name] 
  4. List currently installed packages : apt-cache [package name]  

  1. Contains the repositories from which apt constructs its database.
  2. Format : deb [location of resource] [distribution][components]
  3. Distribution:
lenny (current -stable)
squeezy  (testing)
sid (unstable)
etch (old-stable)


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