Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Beginners Basic Linux Commands

ls                       - List files in the current working directory
ls -al                  - List all files  in long listing format showing permissions, ownership, size, and time.
pwd                   - Print working directory is used to output the path of the current working directory.
cd                      - Change directory
cd   /                  - Moves from the current directory to "/" directory.
cd ~                   - Takes you back to your home directory.
mkdir                - Creates a directory
mkdir Rem       - Creates a directory with name Rem
rmdir                 - Removes a directory
rmdir Rem        - Removes a directory Rem
cp                      - Copy one or more files to another location   
clear                  - Clear terminal screen
cfdisk                - Partition table manipulator for Linux
date                   - Display or change the date & time
df                       - Display free disk space
du                      - Estimate file space usage
history              - Command History
hostname          - Print or set system name
tty                     - Print filename of terminal on stdin
uname              - Print system information
whereis            - Report all known instances of a command
who                  - Print all usernames currently logged in
whoami            - Print the current user id and name (`id -un')
man                 - Help manual
exit                  - Exit the shell

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