Monday, April 22, 2013

Linux Desktop Environments

              The most popular fully featured Linux Graphical Desktop Environment are GNOME and KDE.We will begin a comprehensive head-to-head clash between these leading desktop environments.

                 The GNOME (pronounced "Gah-NOME") GNU Network Object Model Environment is a user-friendly desktop based entirely on free software. The combination of good situational awareness and clear presentation of desktop elements makes GNOME he most task-efficient desktop for the widest range of users.

                  Every Six month GNOME Foundation releases a new version.GNOME had moved from the traditional desktop Environment like the one we seen in Windows and Mac OS to shell based user Interface.The version 2.x used the traditional desktop while the new version 3.x uses Shell interface

Let see the different with 2.x and 3.x.

Gnome 2.x 

                 GNOME version 2.x has dual taskbars know as panels.One panel is located at the top of the screen in the form of a menu bar and an additional panel is found at the bottom of the screen.Because of this,some people would say that GNOME 2.z more closely resembles with Mac OS X in appearance.Regarding system resources usage,Gnome 2.x requires less RAM but more CPU than GNOME 3.x. 

RED HAT Gnome 2.x interface
Gnome 3.x

                The classic look of GNOME 2.x shell evolved and in GNOME 3.x we see GNOME Shell user Interface.In the GNOME 3.x shell,there is only one panel located at the top of the desktop,and there is no longer a traditional menu.To open programs users can either press the windows keys or they can click on the "Activities" found on the left side of the panel.This gives the options of a program launchr that appears on the left side of the desktopn,an "Applications" option found on the upper left part of the desktop  or they can search for programs using the search box on the upper right of the desktop. Additionally, when clicking on "Activities," a desktop switcher appears on the right side of the desktop.

GNOME 3.x shell Interface

                Another change involves the buttons on the windows; in GNOME 2.x, and practically every other desktop environment or window manager, there are at least three buttons found at the top of each window: one to exit the window, one to maximize the window, and one to minimize the window. However, in the default GNOME 3.x shell, there is only one button that is used to exit the window, which really takes some getting used to. If you want your laptop or desktop to look and behave like a cell phone or tablet, then the GNOME 3.x shell might be for you. Overall, the GNOME 3.x shell is a very simple, clean, and visually pleasing desktop.  

GNOME Window Button

Window Manager: Mutter (GNOME 3.x shell)
Widget Toolkit: GTK+
File Manager:Nautilus
Office Suite: GNOME Office(which includes AbiWord and Gnumeric)
Music Player: Rhythmbox
Video Player: Totem


This is one of the older Linux desktop environments, and once a bitter rival of Gnome 2. In many ways, KDE (K Desktop Environment) in its default configuration is very similar in appearance to Microsoft Windows.

OpenSUSE KDE Desktop

Each major release of KDE has brought a large set of new features and modifications. KDE 1 had a wide range of features that made it a complete desktop environment. KDE 2 brought the internet to a Linux user’s desktop.Howvever it's KDE 3’s releases many features, such as new desktop and icon themes, integration with third-party applications, and support for LDAP and Exchange.KDE 3 also boosted support for multiple platforms, including Mac OS X.

KDE menu bar

KDE (SC) 4 was based on the much-improved Qt 4, toolkit for KDE.It include the new desktop UI (Plasma) and a built-in compositing effect window manager (KWin).

KDE Plasma workspace

Window Manager:KWin
Widget Toolkit: Ot 4
File Manager:Dolphin
Office Suite: LibreOffice
Music Player: Amarok
Video Player: Kaffeine

                                      KWin provides your windows with a more natural feel. New desktop effects like the "Cube Desktop Switcher" and "Magic Lamp Minimize Animation" have been added. Improvements in the existing effects make window management smoother than ever. 

Summary: Linus Torvalds, creator of the Linux kernel, has switched by the Gnome 3, saying GNOME better than KDE 

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